learn vt. (learned , learnt) 1.学,学到,学会;习得。 2.记住。 3.听到,知道,弄清楚,了解到。 4.〔俚语〕教。 learn English 学英语。 learn (how to) ride 学骑马。 learn the lines of a play 背台词。 I learn it from [of] him. 我是从他那里听来的。 learn the news of ...接到…的消息。 This will learn you to keep out of mischief. 这将教训你不要再捣蛋了。 vi. 1.学,学会。 2.听到,知道,认识到。 learn fast 学得快。 learn like a parrot 鹦鹉学舌般地背诵。 I learned of his death only yesterday. 我昨天才听说他去世。 I am [have] yet to learn the truth. 我还不知道真相呢〔带怀疑对方的口气〕。 It is learned that ... 据悉。 learn by [from] experience = learn to one's cost 学乖。 learn by heart 记住。 learn by rote 死记,机械地学会。 Soon learnt, soon forgotten. 〔谚语〕学得快,忘得快〔强记容易忘却〕。 We regret to learn that .... (函电等习用语)惊悉…。 adj. -able
This year ' s nobel prize in medicine will go to three researchers who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes 今年的诺贝尔医学奖将会发给3位了解个体基因机制的研究者。
This year ' s nobel prize in medicine will go to three researchers who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes 今年的诺贝尔医学奖将颁发给3位发现个体基因分工的研究人员。
This year ' s nobel prize in medicine will go to three researchers who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes 今年的诺贝尔医学奖将授予三个研究者,他们找到了单个基因的功能。
Washington business week describes itself as a way to learn more about how to plan for the future in an ever - changing economy 在经济不断变化的年代,华盛顿商业周刊学习了很多关于怎样为将来打算。
These year ' s nobel prize in medicine will go to three researches , who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes 今年的诺贝尔医学奖将授予三位科学家,他们发现了解不同基因的作用的方法。
If i copied your poem by hand , over and over again , as a way to learn it by heart , my act was totally unregulated by the 1790 act 如果我一起又一次的手抄了你的诗歌,这好比用心记住这首诗, 1790年的法律对这种行为完全不管。
The purpose of schools , therefore , is not just to teach languages , arithmetic , etc . , but to teach pupils a way to learn 另一方面,没受过教育的人很有可能不会做一些事情,或者做得很差,因此,学校教育不仅仅是教语言,算术等等,而应该是教会学生如何学习。
This year ' s nobel prize in medicine will go to three researchers who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes 今年诺贝尔医学奖将颁发给三个发现了一种关于基因个体职能的研究方法的科学家,并知道怎样去使基因个体变得不活跃,怎么去击破他们。
This year ' s nobel prize in medicine will go to three researchers who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes 今年诺贝尔医学奖将授予三个科学家,他们发现了一种关于基因个体职能的研究方法,并知道怎样去使基因个体变得不活跃,怎么去击破他们。
This year ' s nobel prize in medicine will go to three researchers who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes 今年诺贝尔医学奖将会授予在研究个体基因方面有所发现的三名研究人员.他们发现了如何使实验动物体内的个体中特定基因失活,或失去作用。